Thursday, November 19, 2009

Microsoft launches Windows Azure

At the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC). Ray Ozzie, arch software artist at Microsoft, apparent the company's "three screens and a cloud" vision, area software adventures are delivered seamlessly beyond PCs, phones and televisions, all affiliated by cloud-based services.

He said, "Customers appetite best and adaptability in how they advance and arrange applications. We are affective into an era of solutions that are accomplished by users beyond PCs, phones and the web, and that are delivered from datacentres we accredit to as clandestine clouds and accessible clouds."

Microsoft has developed Windows Server AppFabric Beta 1, a set of integrated, high-level appliance casework advised to advice appliance developers arrange and administer applications spanning both server and billow platforms.

Bob Muglia, admiral of the server and accoutrement business at Microsoft, said, "Microsoft is advancing on a accepted developer belvedere for both servers and services, which will accredit developers to abide application accustomed .net Framework and Visual Studio accoutrement and technologies, as able-bodied as third-party accoutrement such as Eclipse, to actualize and monetise applications that run on the server and as casework in the cloud."
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2 comments: on "Microsoft launches Windows Azure"

Anonymous said...

nice template...

angels said...
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