Friday, November 13, 2009

Go Go Google Programming Language

Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) on Tuesday announced an experimental new computer programming language called "Go."

This combines the development speed of dynamic languages such as Python with the performance and safety of compiled languages like C or C++, the Internet search giant said.

For now, Go is merely an experiment, Google said. "We hope adventurous users will give it a try and see if they enjoy it. Not every programmer will, but we hope enough will find satisfaction in the approach it offers to justify further development."

Developers will need lots of play time with Go -- while the Go project was conceived to make it easier to write the kind of servers and other software Google uses internally, the implementation isn't quite mature enough yet for large-scale production use. Google's Go team is working on the language.

Go still faces an uphill battle. "It is hard to imagine that this is going to be the next big thing in programming," IDC's Hilwa said. "It's likely Go will become one more thing in the ever-diversifying landscape of programming languages."
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2 comments: on "Go Go Google Programming Language"

Anonymous said...

wow, programming languages by Google

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